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Video: Cars Become Boats In Australian Flood
Video: Cars Become Boats In Australian Flood
Here's another video that comes to remind us that nature is the ultimate force on this planet. This flood, that took place in Australia, simply transformed dozens on cars into boats. If you'll watch the video closely, you'll even notice some very nice ones, like the Subaru Impreza STI in this screenshot.... More »
Video: Cars vs Gigantic Flood
Video: Cars vs Gigantic FloodSometimes, mother nature reminds us just how insignificant we are in front of its power. If you don't agree, watch these cars get flushed down the street like toothpicks down Mississippi. Wait until around the 1:58 mark in the video too see dozens of cars, being taken away and thrown about like Hot Wheels.... More »
Monster Engine Meets Boat