Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad

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Honda announced us through its advertising agency that they are both working on one of the most expensive TV ad ever made called Difficult is worth doing. The Honda Difficult is worth doing ad will air in June and will promote the launch of a new car model. The email did not say exactly which one, but judging from their blog (available here it will promote the new Honda Accord.

The first teaser ad from the Difficult is worth doing campaign was aired last week and there will be three more until the launch in June.

The TV ad will feature an impressive number of skydivers and other people, struggling to

overcome the problems of the challenge. An interesting fact is the question from the introduction: Has anyone made a teapot before? We think it might refer to a skydiving formation.

We can't say for sure how expensive this ad will be by looking at the teasers. What we can say is that it's one of the most hard work and dangerous ad we have seen so far. Let's hope that it will hit the target and take the intended message to the customer.

Watch all four Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad teasers after the jump.

Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad teaser 1:

Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad teaser 2:

Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad teaser 3:

Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad teaser 4:

More on the Honda Difficult is worth doing Ad

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