BMW Donut Mayhem Video

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The guy in this video manages to do donuts in his BMW 3 Series convertible for almost 2 minutes (if you want your car to have a long life we strongly suggest not to do as he does). There's nothing we haven't seen yet up until this point. The location he chose for his demonstration is a different story. He punishes his car in an intersection, blocking traffic on four roads for over a minute. What's even more interesting is that no police appeared at the scene. We would surely like to know where this clip was shot. We'd like to move there.

Taking the matter more seriously now, what he did was reckless to say the least. He even got out of the car and let it run uncontrolled with a number of by standers just meters away. Watch the video after the jump. Thanks for the tip Andy

BMW dounut mayham video:

More on the BMW Donut Mayhem Video

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Source: LiveLeak