Robotic Arm Ferrari F1 Simulator

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The robotic arm Ferrari F1 simulator in this video was developed by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in Tubingen, Germany. The robotic arm Ferrari F1 simulator is based on an industrial grade robot that has been converted into a Formula 1 simulator, complete with G forces and sound.

Although it looks like a mountain of fun for us gearheads, the robotic arm Ferrari F1 simulator has a very scientific purpose. With its help, researchers hope to get a better understanding of how we humans perceive motion.

The robotic arm Ferrari F1 simulator can offer the complete spectrum of motion possible, including putting you upside down.

You don't want to experience that in real life, but it's definitely helpful to know how it feels in case you find yourself in this kind of situations.

Dear Tubingen researchers,

In case you find yourself in a shortage of funds, we have an idea. Put it on sale!

Watch the robotic arm Ferrari F1 simulator on video after the jump.

Robotic arm Ferrari F1 simulator:

More on the Robotic Arm Ferrari F1 Simulator

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Source: YouTube