Mercedes Aria Concept by Slavche Tanevski

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The Mercedes Aria Concept was created by Macedonian designer Slavche Tanevski, who is currently studying at the Munich University of Applied Sciences. The Aria was developed under the supervision of Mercedes designers and embodies a new styling language called Swan Wing.

The Aria concept previews a futuristic luxury super coupe for year 2030, powered by an electric drivetrain. Its general design lines are inspired by flowing hair, musical instruments and the female form. some object used by Slavche for inspiration include his helmet, a Coke bottle, and the traditional Mercedes front grille.

The Mercedes Aria concept also shows various

lines inspired by some of Daimler's classic models, such as the Mercedes 500K Specialroadster.

Watch Slavche Tanevski's Mercedes Aria concept on video lower down this page.

Mercedes Aria Concept video:

More on the Mercedes Aria Concept by Slavche Tanevski

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Source: Slavche Tanevski