VOX and 9ff build 3 litre Volkswagen Golf

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TV-magazine documents savings potential of series vehicles Can a serial Volkswagen Golf be transformed into a three-litre car?

The VOX magazine Auto Motor und Sport tv and 9ff will change a VOLKSWAGEN Golf 1.9 TDI to a low energy vehicle. "We want to show, like with a series vehicle the fuel consumption are reduced clearly ", explained Volker Groth, editorship leader of Auto Motor und Sport tv.

The change may impair neither the road performance nor the security of the still most popular automodel of the Germans. Auto Motor und Sport tv will document the change of the vehicle starting from 6.Mai ยด07, in ten expenditures. The chief engineer and owner of 9ff Jan Fatthauer

divided and examine the VOLKSWAGEN Golf into its Dortmunder workshop completely, where weight can be reduced. In the body and in the chassis be for example much saving potential. A lighter engine and seat, the clearly less wige, lower likewise consumption. Narrower tires reduce the rolling friction and also the engine technology can to the contribute.

The VOX magazine, which reaches each Sontag starting from 17 o'clock approximately 1.21 Mil.

More on the VOX and 9ff build 3 litre Volkswagen Golf


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Source: 9ff