Human Waste Powered Volkswagen Beetle

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Geneco, a British company specialized in recycling solutions, has revealed a human waste powered Volkswagen Beetle. The company claims it has already taken the human waste powered Volkswagen Beetle for a test run around the Bristol streets. They call it the Bio-Bug and say it can run for a whole year with the waste flushed down the toilets of just 70 homes only. They say that much amount of...human waste, is enough for their Bio-Bug to run for 10,000 miles.

The Volkswagen Beetle is not powered by actual human waste, but by the gas it produces at the Bristol sewage treatment works in Avonmouth. the gas is gather and specially treated, after it's put to work in the Bio-Bug. Geneco says their new fuel does not affect the performance of the

Volkswagen Beetle, however, we tend to doubt that.

Mohammed Saddiq, GENeco’s general manager, considers that the methane generated from sewage sludge can be an effective way of powering company vehicles.

More on the Human Waste Powered Volkswagen Beetle

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Source: Geneco